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2023-05-18 05:24:09




It must be very important to be alive?

I like a fool for stand, I really don't know.

I drive the car all the way from ancient human footprints. Open pit of Confucianism holes, turn up has burn books, broke into the tomb of the emperor, boarded the miles of the Great Wall will see a "live". The rest of the only the cynicism of Confucian scholars, the book-burning moan, the emperor of skeletons, wanli flexor spirit. In order to resist qin? For the sake of education? To the world? For the king? Only: after three thousand to know who's in? The boredom

Or need to be "and had a glass of wine, hold the thousand years of behind them." in life. Raise a glass to drink, cheong v. what's going on in the world, inspiring, not empty cold moonlight night, how that don't. Cry tears unexpectedly also helpless under, with blood, flying silk shawl. I gently patted him on the shoulder, half awake half drunk, half doubt, half is helplessly asked: "why live?" He looked at the full moon raised his wine, pointed to the castle peak lower the head, a silent cry, a completed < difficult > on the road.

Rain, lonely village around the mountains all around, solitary murakami a window lights all night. Curled up the body, hands and feet with, pale temples, wrinkled face, and a line of tears crosscurrent. Waves of self-pity: "blunt! Kill!" Is ShaQi words, they also as weak. When the dawn through the night, chicken calls from solitary village. He got up and shake shake hands, as a "raw" outside the window, hand the cold bed, half is confused, half a heart is hurt. He struggled to walk to the table, the shaking hand > < in son, left "king division north on the central plains, angles without forgetting is weng." absolutely not, then fell asleep. The hard of life for a "dead", perhaps he also










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