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2023-05-18 06:48:05




The classmates, everyone has the teacher, the teacher of our kindness actually less than to the kindness of parents, I am most grateful teacher is my first teacher, lu teacher.

When I go to school early, mama, mama a walk I began to cry. Lu teacher see me cry so sad then bought me many lollipops, lu teacher again coax me, give me eat side said: "qian, don't cry, lovely, mother want to go home to cook, qian first come and play with the teacher. Teacher lu very gentle, I think it sounds pretty nice, I just nodded and followed lu teacher go to class. From the beginning, a lesson I think teacher is a angel lu: lu told us stories in class the teacher, the class and play with us... we don't live up to the expectations of lu teacher also calculate, lu teacher teaches the students is good psychological quality, learning and good students.

Since lu teacher so good for us, we should also thanked lu teacher!

This summer vacation, we are prepared to give a surprise lu teacher. We assign tasks to make surprise: by lu teachers teach girls of the first batch of students in a total of 50 pictures, the first batch of students in the male is responsible for the 50 picture posted on the wall in a heart-shaped, lu teacher heart on our behalf. A second group of students in girls do eight grilles and 20 paper cranes, the second batch of students in the male stick grilles and cranes, a third group of students... The rest of the last batch of students to decorate the rest of the trivial things. Allocation has been completed, and by me, sweet, with lu teacher to borrow keys to open our classroom before class. Immediately to the classroom, we according to decorate action now, just now we feel like after all finished less something, oh, yes! And blackboard, we together made a beautiful picture of a problem with gratitude of blackboard. Then, sweet, and I went to see my teacher, the teacher has just arrived, we sing together the songs of rehearsal has long < < thankful heart > >, lu teacher suddenly shock by this scene, almost excited tears. We spent a pleasant afternoon together.

The classmates, grateful! I hope everyone have a grateful heart.










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