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2023-05-18 07:10:03




Recently, I learned a Helen. Keller's plastic life again, let me have a deeper understanding to life. The protagonist study consciousness makes me with emotion. Who knows Helen lives in a silent light dark world, but she is with their amazing will create a miracle.

Also, British physicist Stephen Hawking has been with his own battle with illness, arguably, no hawking, no study of darkness. Life is a sacred word, but also fragile, many heroes are ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign do struggle with destiny. So as a flawed form can face life, don't we now can let the life become more valuable?

I used to have this idea: if the life only three days?

If life only three days, I will not just wait for the arrival of death. The first day, I'll and good friends to the sea side, have a classmate party or go shopping. The next day, I will write a book I since the childhood story. Maybe I can not finish it, but it is not important, it is important to my life won't be floated like a blank piece of, at least my thoughts, my everything will not end because of the death. On the third day, I will go through all the photos since the childhood, then wait for the arrival of death.

Maybe, my life is not wonderful, maybe my life not Helen, zhang haidi so famous, but I know that life is well or not is not important, the value of life meaning is the key, the value of life meaning is the key.

I believe, everyone saw the mold life again will respond. Our pursuit of longevity, the pursuit of survival, but each person's life is not the same, maybe you will be white years old birthday girl, maybe you only have three days of life, for these, the only thing we can do is to make life meaningful.











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