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2023-05-18 07:38:02




Feasts on the day before, the little lion to sit by the window, see the sun in the sky outside. He would like to know Halloween tomorrow the sun will come. Little lion to high stone on the stage, carried the head toward the sun said: "the sun, how are you?" The sun did not answer. Little lion think: "I am too far from the sun, he can't hear you."

The little lion came to the mountains and climb to the top of the highest, for the sun to shout: "hello!" The distance a voice: "hello!" A lion to the sun grandfather heard this, he replied in me? Little lion and called out: "tomorrow is Halloween, you coming or not?" The sun replied, "tomorrow is Halloween, you coming or not......" The little lion said: "I will." The sun also said: "let me..." The little lion asked the sun: "what gift do you want?" The sun also asked: "what do you want gift..." The little lion replied: "I want a pumpkin lantern." The sun also said: "I want a pumpkin lanterns..."

After the little lion went down the mountain, went to the store to buy a the most beautiful plastic pumpkin lanterns, put it on high stone on the stage, to the sun. The night wind blowing, pumpkin head lanterns are "almost... on..." To blow the rolled down, "loud gurgling" rolled into the door of the little lion home.

The next morning, the little lion door found himself door has a beautiful pumpkin lanterns. "Oh, it must be a Halloween gift I received from the sun!" Little lion climbed to the top of the mountain again, toward the sun shout: "thank you for your gift, happy Halloween!" The sun also said: "thank you for your gift, happy Halloween..."









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