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2023-05-18 07:52:02




A: wow! Looking forward to the Spring Festival for a whole year is finally here! Excited, I put on my the most beautiful clothes, on the hair clip for two pink butterfly clip, boast in front of a mirror, and look forward to the New Year!

Quick to noon, my mother and I in bed not up dad pulled up, the family came to her mother-in-law home happily. Frog! A into the house to have a meal to the sight incense! Must be mother-in-law in cooking! The most delicious food cooking her mother-in-law, every time I think of her mother-in-law do rice can not but drool! I hurriedly rushed into the living room, I saw in the living room has already been put on a big square table, the table with a symbol of the year than stewed fish, round and round the garden soup, symbols long leeks Fried shredded meat,... I carefully a number, wow! A full ten dishes, her mother-in-law said it is perfect! Can eat a rice is so exquisite! Then, our family home to eat up the perfect meal, hope the New Year we really wanted to like this meal is perfect!

After eating the meal, year I most hope of eventually came moments - send a red envelope! I can't wait to her father-in-law, mother-in-law, father, mother, my uncle will, but read around the mouth: "congratulation..." Keep thinking in the heart: "red envelopes to..." Finally, five got a red envelope, I ran to another room to check my harvest. A: wow! Earned! Looking at hand new five c-notes, please, I can't help began to think they are useless!

Very not easy to come at 12 o 'clock bell. Sleepy all quick eyesight whiting spirit of me down. Father lit fireworks, already prepared instant, the colorful fireworks in our overhead blasted! Dyed the sky red, red we are full of hope to face! "Cheep......" A sound, I do not know who put a flying cannon strung up to me, fry rang in my head. I just found around already has a lot of people set off firecrackers, at this time of the sky "colorful", "dancing fire dragon" on the ground. Everyone plays "extremely", forget the pain and unhappiness in the past year, look forward to the New Year in joyful laughter!

A: wow! My happiness at the end of the happy atmosphere of Spring Festival!










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