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2023-05-19 02:51:04




In the ancient agricultural society, almost since the day, the housewives are busy planning the Chinese New Year food. Because pickled LaWei required for a long time, so you have to prepare as soon as possible, the practice of our country many provinces have YanLa flavour, which is famous for guangdong province LaWei most.

Steamed rice cakes, rice cakes because of homophonic "year high", combined with a variety of flavors, almost every essential occasion food. The style of the rice cakes square patches of yellow, white rice cakes, a symbol of gold, silver, embodies the fortune in the New Year. Rice cakes taste varies from place to place. People like eating traditional Beijing or yellow rice made of red jujube rice cakes, assorted fruit pudding and white rice cakes. Hebei people would like to join in the rice cake big jujube, small red bean and green bean with steam. The northern Shanxi Province in Inner Mongolia and other places, the Chinese New Year when used to yellow rice noodles Fried rice cakes, some still packet stuffing, such as bean paste, jujube paste on the shandong natives with yellow rice, red jujube steamed rice cakes. The rice cakes in the north is given priority to with sweet, or steamed or Fried, others simply all sugar to eat. Southern rice cakes, sweet, salty concurrently, suzhou and ningbo rice cake, for example, in japonica rice production, taste bland. Except steamed, Fried, still can slice Fried or boiled soup. Sweet rice cake with glutinous rice powder, sugar, lard, rose, osmanthus, mint, rong and other ingredients, fine workmanship, can direct steam or Fried with egg whites.

Dumplings, northern eve have a tradition of eating dumplings, around eat dumplings have different customs, but in some places to eat dumplings on New Year's eve, in some places the first eat dumplings, some northern mountainous area and the first to the fifth the tradition of eating dumplings in the morning. People eat dumplings is to express new blessings while the unique way of auspicious wish. According to the method of Chinese ancient time, 11 PM to 1 in the morning the next day for the house. "Jiaozi" is a new moment of fellowship with old year. Dumpling means more old hand, Spring Festival to eat dumplings is considered a prosperous New Year. The other dumplings shaped like a wing, pack dumpling means encase, good fortune to eat dumpling symbol life rich.

Reunion the night before New Year is called real night, wandering away from home to miles miles to get home, the whole family will sit together to make dumplings for the holiday, dumpling is first and make the wrappers, with a leather bag filling, filling content is multifarious, all kinds of meat, eggs, seafood, such as seasonal vegetables can be into the stuffing, orthodox dumplings how to eat, is the clear water, after scooping up with vinegar, garlic, sesame oil, soy sauce for seasoning clings to eat. Also have Fried dumplings, flipping dumplings (potstickers), and other ways. With the word "and" is the meaning of "close"; Dumplings "dumpling" and "pay" homophonic, "close" and "pay" and have a reunion, so use dumplings symbolize reunion meadow; And take a more old hand, very lucky; In addition, because dumplings shaped like a wing, New Year's day when eat dumplings, also with the auspicious meaning of "maxim". A size together making dumplings, New Year, happy.

Lantern Festival, the Lantern Festival, Taoism is called "the Lantern Festival". According to yuan dynasty soil Jane's guide (f + lang) inside, "more than three post" reporter: after chang e, processing into a disease. On the fourteenth day night suddenly have the boy asks for, self-proclaimed make of the goddess of the moon, said: "the lady know jun bosom, don't have to drop, tomorrow is a full moon, appropriate USES rice as a pill, such as month, buy room to the northwest, called lady, three evening may drop and." Processing such as law, the goddess of the moon was coming. Lantern Festival to eat yuanxiao, is taking "tuan tuan, such as" auspicious meaning.

When Ming dynasty, yuan xiao is very common in Beijing, is also from today. The qing dynasty emperor kangxi years prevails in the "sweet yuanxiao," Chris yuanxiao. Early years of the republic of China and yuan shikai because yuanxiao with "yuan" sound, so the ban called yuanxiao. Yuanxiao surface except jiang rice flour and sticky sorghum surface, yellow rice flour, etc. Stuffing is sweet osmanthus sugar, sugar, assorted, mountain slag bean paste, jujube paste, etc. Shape, or if large walnut, there is also a small "the ancient philosophers soup yuan" such as soybean, as well as solid mariko and thin skin "the importance of leather Shang Yuan".











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