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2023-05-19 03:45:10




Yao only dad, and dad was blind. He is very love my dad. Dad grow very handsome, you couldn't see don't watch carefully is blind. He has been don't understand, where is mom and dad's eyes can see. A very young age. He asked his father.

Dad can tell young children a on the left by wild s death from hate sad story? Can tell a child a man six feet because of the emotional torture always lost the light? My father is silent. Those big eyes tears make clearly scared, what he never asked my father.

Yesterday, however, that the child was wounded heart and flow a drop of blood. Language lesson, the teacher asked a student to explain the word "helpless", the boy thought for a moment and smiled, said that is not clearly father yao, is one of the oldest eyes can't see anything. Everybody laughed, clearly heart twitches, and he really wanted to get out of the classroom. Despite the beautiful female teachers is tough to stop you, but, when a whole afternoon didn't say a word.

Today's composition, the topic is "my home". This topic make clearly heart began to tremble, father and mother work in a factory. When I was a child, mom and dad often go out to play with him, my mother often told him good story. And then one time, the factory was on fire, mom and dad for fire fighting. Mother died, my father's eyes burned is broken, he couldn't listen to a story...

The next day, the teacher evaluation composition, clearly head has been low. Suddenly, he heard the teacher with the voice of emotional reading his composition. The students head towards him.

Under the class, the students all around him, kua his mom and dad is a hero... A few days later, it got love of people's different. Gradually, he has a smile on his face.

Two weeks after another Chinese lesson, prepare the bell rang, the teacher stepped into the classroom, it is crying. Pop in to ask clearly, his mom and dad ever save too far? A child does not know where to listen to, say clearly lied to everyone, his mom and dad did not save too far. The teacher looked at the scene.

The next day, the teacher began the class. Under a minute before class, she looked over the whole class with her eyes, and said quietly, "I want to tell the classmates, it is a good student, he did not lie."

After a week, one evening, when in the office, his shaking her lips and said 1: "teacher, the composition is my plait..."

Female teachers was silent. She gently to dry the tears, obviously hug him in: "children, you have no wrong." Voice is gentle. A big star tears down the beautiful cheek to clearly cold hand heart.















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