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2023-05-19 05:14:01


导语:这就是亲情,这就是人世间至善至美的亲情。她在那牵肠挂肚的惦记中,在那圣洁无私的呵护中,在那无怨无悔的奉献中。拥有这样的亲情,会使我们风雨人生变得风光怡人,使多舛的世界充满温馨。下面是小编为大家整理的,亲情的作文呢 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


The Spring Festival this year, father, mother and I went to my grandma's New Year, my grandmother told me a thing, let I was moved up to now.

In 1998, I was just five years old. Morning, the day before the qing Ming day, I have fever, my mother and my grandmother took me to the hospital water, until noon a little more than I back to my grandma's. After lunch, I went to bed after mother. Suddenly, the mother found that my eyes are straight, two little hands tightly, hurriedly call my grandmother, grandmother in a look, and said, is not good! Tingting cramp! Mother scared witless, immediately call is Tang Yang dad, grandma they hurriedly sent me to the hospital. In the hospital, the doctor take emergency measures, others hurried to register and pay the money, the hospital formalities

When my dad there received a phone call, the in the mind is very worried, immediately push up grandpa's old bike, set on the poncho is on the way. At that time, has been more than 4 o 'clock, the road is rugged, coupled with the heavy rain, the road more muddy, very difficult to go. By Tang Yang town, after has not, dad had to move on three warehouse, think you could catch up with the assumption of minibuses, by three warehouse, there is still no minibuses, dad hurried ride all the way on to the direction of the dongtai. To feng, it was getting dark, the road has been see not too clear. When dad has been exhausted, every step is so difficult, with the rain down the face sweat dc. To my grandma's, dad has no strength, paralysis sitting on the sofa, the grandmother said, hurriedly call a pot of hot water, wash feet for dad, let him rest. Just sit for a while, my father hurried to the hospital, then I have been out of danger, quietly fell asleep.

Love is great, love is selfless. Mom and dad, grandparents, they to me rush about overworked, without a complaint. I grew up must live up to their hopes for me, good good study, ready to help others, to repay their kindness to me, and be a useful person in society.



1998年,我刚刚五岁。清明节前一天,我发热了,上午,妈妈和外婆带我去医院输水,一直到中午一点多钟才回外婆家。吃过午饭后,妈妈照应我上床睡觉。突然,妈妈发现我眼睛直翻,两只小手握得紧紧的,赶紧叫外婆,外婆进来一看,说: 不好了!婷婷抽筋了! 妈妈吓得手足无措,立即打电话给正在唐洋的爸爸,外婆他们急忙把我送到了医院。到了医院,医生采取急救措施,其他人则赶忙挂号、缴钱,办理住院手续






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