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2023-05-19 05:15:06


导语:这就是亲情,这就是人世间至善至美的亲情。她在那牵肠挂肚的惦记中,在那圣洁无私的呵护中,在那无怨无悔的奉献中。拥有这样的亲情,会使我们风雨人生变得风光怡人,使多舛的世界充满温馨。下面是小编为大家整理的,亲情的作文呢 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


I have a fever again, this time to more severe than before, almost passed out. But today the teacher to speak the language of one of the most important text topic, that's graduation exam is forbid! But I really couldn't climb up the bed, can only use the last point out the weak strength of four words: "dad, mom!" And then fell asleep groggy.

When I opened his eyes again already in mom and dad's bed. Mother beside frowning, can be seen from in her eyes she was how anxious, even if she didn't so nervous when to take an examination of the title. Dad is use a wet towel to apply my forehead, rolling the sweat on his forehead, the sweat like pea slowly from moving down the forehead, like my heart is in tears.

My mother's mouth was moving, I try to listen to, only to hear a words: "both, feeling better now?" Gradually I heard daddy said to mother: "my mom said can and... with... fever?" "I don't know, can't go to the hospital." In the mother's voice mixed with some inharmonious tone, these discordant little thing like a knife into my heart. How I want to say a word, but only from my mouth is a faint whisper. I drift to sleep again.

The third time when I open my eye is the second day morning, I have not had a fever and just feel sluggish. I later learned, mother a night without sleep, always help me temperature, it was not until my fever is gone to take a nap, immediately up to do breakfast for me.

Eating a mother do breakfast for me, I feel the power of love is huge. Love makes me wake up from a high fever; Love makes me work harder in the final days of the review; Love makes me more seriously in the graduation exam, more careful!










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