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2023-05-19 05:43:02


导语:人玫瑰,手有余香。 让我们带着诚信,与诚信同行吧,当我们真正拥有诚信时,才能告诉自己:因为我诚信,所以我美丽:因为我美丽,所以我自豪!!下面是小编为大家整理的,诚信作文呢 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


In my memory of the sea, there are many interesting things, but with the growth of my footsteps, I've forgotten something happiness and sadness, but every time remind of a person, I have respect for him.

On the morning of a sunshine bright 睸, is the room I wrote my homework, my mother suddenly call said to me: "son, our house of potatoes have no, you go out and buy some." I took the money, readily consented, skipping to the vegetable market.

I didn't go his breast, and down suddenly overcast, I thought: well, it's going to rain, I want to hurry up. I sped up the pace. To the vegetable market, I asked a uncle: "how much a kilo of potatoes?" "Three pieces of five." Ah, so expensive, add up all the money is not enough, I thought. At this moment, a six or seven year old boy grabbed my clothes and said: "elder brother, buy my food, my food is just drawn from the ground, can be fresh, only a WuYiJin." I bought his food, hurried home.

Got home, I want to return the remaining money to mom, but I just think of it, the little brother didn't get my money! I took an umbrella ran out, at this time, god already can't resist, crying, I hold up an umbrella, hard to walk, afraid to own a big fall. At this moment, I saw the little boy, he seemed to be waiting for anybody. I walked past, before I opened my mouth, and he said to me: "elder brother, you of money." To give money, and he carried the popurality went home.

I looked at the hands of money, thinking: this is how a honest boy ah, if everyone is honest, so there will be so many disputes in the world?










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