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2023-05-19 05:57:01


导语:诚信比金子还要贵重,比山还要高,比水还要深。所以我们要好好保存自己那份诚信。下面是小编为大家整理的,诚信作文呢 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


"For a person with good faith, people don't cheat me; to the matter by the good faith, the thing is." This is feng yuxiang said. We should do a honest person, because to be a honest person so that he will life have a clear conscience. I am a honest person...

In the summer, father took me to grandma's. I am in my grandmother can casually, watching TV, playing chess, go fishing, catching cicadas, sometimes go swimming with partners, one is swimming all day. Grandma most worried about my safety, sometimes stop nagging: swimming or you don't go to, the horizontal vertical washing washing at home, have a plenty of water, cold hot water you casually, don't let grandma scary.

This afternoon, I always think nothing at home, and my uncle's cousin to play up. Chase after he ran in front of me, ran after the chase, I feet suddenly 1 of "ji", feel soft, my feet, "bad" chicks on the ground do not move. I squatted down to see, eyes have turned white, my heart is like being pulled, gawking at the dead chicken. The cousin had to say: "you die?" I nodded. He said: "don't be afraid, I take it away." Cousin brought the chicken turn away.

Grandma get broken rice to feed the chicken at night, she found the chicken little one, hence yell: "quick, sensitive, the chicken is not a, you go back to help me find!"

Strong sensitive to come back for a moment said: "the chicken fall into the tank drowned." Said he motioned for winking at me, call me to say. I thought: "my cousin is also good to me, afraid to listen to grandma nagging. It was so from the past, has been keep for more than a week. I'm going home, want to want to go, I decided to tell grandma, saying that the stamp on the chicken. I tell the truth, my grandma said:" I go to see the chicks don't want to drown, honest good, grandma don't blame you. "Then I went home.

At home, the matter in my heart once more waves, can't be calm once in a long time, until today still fresh, it is difficult to forget...











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