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2023-05-19 07:59:01




At this moment, standing on the podium, I thought of one thing. That day, I went to the park with my mother, heard a little girl asked; "Dad, how can not eat when grandpa long march red army, nor drink? Why don't they eat chocolate, don't drink jianlibao?"

Yes, the long march, for our generation, has become an old grandmother's legendary story. As the years went by, however, the long march spirit by more and more profound charm, attracting many people to pursue, to think about the long road. The teacher told us that in the long journey of twenty-five thousand li, every day there are a lot of a lot of touching stories.

In the long march, there is such a story, a just to join the party of guards in the battle, in the lawn, in order to rescue morass of file boxes, gave only 18 years old life. When he gradually sink in her hand, and a tightly clutched a silver dollar, this is the first time that his debacle, and last dues'... Students, when you hear here, don't you for our soldiers that the revolutionary cause and the firm belief of communism is deeply touched?

In the boundless snow area plateau, the red army team struggling to move forward, a director of munitions freeze to death in the snow, the snow covered his body, he therefore became a glittering and translucent monument, I heard that, you may be thinking, since is the director of munitions, the hand holds the soldiers and in the face of hunger and cold, he can eat satisfied, wear warm, how could he be hunger and cold away precious life? He is a fool? No, he is no fool, in the depths of his mind, there are something more precious than gold, this is for the country, as the nation, have the courage to sacrifice, sacrifice, selfless fearless spirit of long march.

This is the face of difficulties do not bow, setbacks do not yield the long march spirit, more than half a century, as a gentle oasis, feeding us hundreds of millions of their parents and grandparents. In the new era of a proud and proud.

You see, today's YinJiang, street straight and flat, convenient highway, tall buildings, housing spacious and bright. Housing projects, teachers xincun, good community, garden city, a place beautiful homes were built; Xiyuan development zone, BaiXiangLin development zone, western development zone, wenchang road development zone, let old Yin jiang new look.

You see, western bridge like the rainbow in the sky, that is people's take-off YinJiang wings; North ring bridge over the north and south, barrier allows. Our parents and grandparents and painted a picture for us a picture of a beautiful blueprint, wrote a song and a beautiful glorious chapter.

Students, when you are addicted to online games, losing self; When you linger in the martial arts novels, exploring; When you ate KFC, drink cola, crazy about super girl...... Think about the long march, think about 80 years ago, the people and things.

As a contemporary youth, we should have a broad ideal, that is to realize the great Renaissance of the Chinese nation. It was a great new full of hardships of the long march.

The classmates, wei big stone is the backbone of our forceful, rolling Qiong rivers is our blood boiling; Let's rejoining the long march road, carry forward the long march spirit, hard work, to pursue beautiful spring scenery, search fiery red sun, trace golden ideals!



是啊,长征,对于我们这一代人来说, 已经成为一个老外婆的传奇故事。然而,随着岁月的流逝,长征精神以越来越深刻的魅力,吸引着众多的人到长征路上去追寻、去思考。老师告诉我们在二万五千里的漫漫征途中,每天都有很多很多感人至深的故事。

在长征中,有这样一个故事,一位在战斗中刚刚入党的警卫员,在过草地时,为了抢救陷入泥沼的文件箱,献出了年仅18岁的`生命。当他渐渐沉下去的时候,手里还紧紧攥着一块银圆,这是他的第一次党费,也是最后一次党费…… 同学们,当你听到这里的时候,你难道不为我们的战士那种对革命事业和共产主义的坚定信念深深感动吗?











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