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2023-05-20 02:03:03




In our everyday life, there are always some ordinary and extraordinary things impress on our minds and hearts, let us feel happy, happy.

The students of the long-awaited games is coming, the students can be happy, free to play in the playground, chess, reading eat snacks and help students cheer in the race. Our school sports meet only once a year, the students can not excited, all your effort in the game, everyone hopes he won first place in the class, for they scream, come on! Who is sitting in the corner of the first teacher will pay attention to? Her kind face and calm manner immediately to make an indelible impression. First teacher quietly sitting in a corner, the classmates of voices, the explanation of the radio voice, and the voice of the campus trees, the birds chirp, sound into, concentration, she didn't, still preparing devotedly, see this scene, suddenly moved me deeply, reflective...

Maybe you will ask, students read, the teacher prepares a lesson for granted, not normal? Wrong! This idea is wrong. Doubtless, first teacher soon and we separated, but she is more cherish the time, contriving to work more, she wants to put us out the basis of each student, so that we more easily learned in high school, she often say great oaks grow from little acorns, so enlightenment teacher is our basis. She has buried her head, matter-of-factly watched it again and again, remember what on this from time to time, when the son frowned, with a smile on her face. First teacher casual expression, deeply printed in my childhood memory, never forget it

Time in a hurry, at the end of six years, the teacher bring us is rich in knowledge, and bring the teacher only the wrinkles and grey hair. We should have a grateful heart, with action, with scores, with wisdom, with the truth... To return her _ my first teacher.









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