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2023-05-20 02:09:04




"Love education", the full text USES shaped like a diary, tells a little boy named amway ko growth story, recorded his ten months in school, family, society saw and heard and his family and teacher speak the touching stories a month.

Love is like air, every day in our side, because of its no shadow intangible is often ignored by us. "Love of education" describes a group of energetic, motivated actively seek, as bright as the sunshine boy. Some poor families; Some disabled; Of course there are also some is bathed in happiness. Although these children from birth to has a different personality, but they all have a common thing - deep love for their country Italy, sincere affection of relatives and friends.

Sincere affection of relatives and friends, in the book "love education", have the breath everywhere, especially in the story a month for the search for ", let me not through to the inside of the hero omar can born a respect. His mother when he was 13 years old to put debt, alone went to the capital of the republic of Argentina a rich family to when the maid, then cut off contact. 13 of the hero omar, regardless of the danger of go to America to his dad resolutely request a man go to America to find his mother. It didn't succeed at first, but two days after his father's a friends heard of it, the captain was to find his father told him can bring omar can go to America for free. Omar can go to America to find mother met a lot of people, good and bad, like a kind of Lombardy, virtuous women in Spain, devoted a thief in the tamilian boy and hornets, and of course many helpful good man, and so on. With the help of these people can dismount, finally found the mother.

To his native Italy deep love, in the book "love education", and sometimes appear impressive patriotic story. As patriotic young he for national dignity even money and don't throw it all to him that his country's face and head. Young teenager drummer for don't let his own state failure, risk is like a storm of bullets to for help, even though their victory finally, but he never lost a leg. We as Chinese people should have a heart to love the motherland sincere, benevolence thought oneself idea, will carry forward the traditional virtues of our Chinese five thousand, let us use patriotic enthusiasm around the world, infection in the world.

"Love of education" I think "love what is it?" It won't have a clear answer, but I know that there are no limits to the "love", have a little big, small to friendly conversation between the classmate, teacher to student's encouragement, meticulous care for children, parents and even people meet once a smile... Big to donate bone marrow, blood donation, for the dedication...










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