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2023-05-20 03:58:01


导语: 苦恼的最大来源是患得患失,人们常参不透,你要有所取,必须有所舍。下面是小编为大家准备的,成长的烦恼英语作文。希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


Time like water flowing in a hurry, unconsciously, I spent fourteen spring, summer, autumn and winter, has grown gradually, also grew up. Growth let I lost the joy of childhood, childhood innocence, I always confused about many things, brought me a lot of trouble.

After entering junior high school, school subjects from primary school had soared to seven families, workbook from elementary school a few this suddenly mountain, let me hard to parry. In elementary school, always feel the study result is very good, is second to none in the class, but after entering junior high school, although I very hard, early greed to learn later, performance estimation, makes me fallen off. To this, I was troubled.

Now I grow up, once I much a few minutes mature naive, I gradually have independent thought, have to the life of his own ideas. Gradually, I can't like little sheep lying in parents' arms play the woman, be subordinate to them, but to produce the gap between my parents. I become what things suppress in the heart, don't want to communicate with parents, I was very upset.

Gradually, we all have their own opinions about many things. Between students is no longer the childhood naive and lively in play, play; Between teachers and students are no longer in front of the teacher in pettish like childhood. It seems like there's a wall between us, separates us from a distance, make it impossible for us to contact, it makes me very trouble.

Standing in front of the mirror, yi? The naive, lively and lovely for me? The scores are among the best of me? The lively happy, carefree I... I'm so afraid to look in the mirror.

"Bao jianfeng from honed out, plum blossom incense from the experience." I will temper themselves in the trouble, make oneself more mature. I will say to trouble: "I am not afraid of you!" .











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