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2023-05-20 03:58:05


导语: 人们烦恼迷惑,实因看得太近,而又想得太多。下面是小编为大家准备的,成长的烦恼英语作文。希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


Almost every child wants to become an adult, and grow into a road show in front of every child, but this way it happened that is not good, the five steps, ten step one card, cage multiple choice, true or false, kaka is going to be heaven, wrong is hell, can add a few minutes of growing pains not to walk again.

"Very tired, lie on the bed to rest for a while!" Body just and bed to an intimate contact, is dad a stern voice shouted: "this is no time to also lie on the bed? How do not to study, you see that... first, why can't you give me a come back?" Tired, all day and others of me, and I still have my weaknesses and strengths than others, to listen to your nag, every day you do not feel tired? These nagging is like a shell, a barrage of bombing me, every time I can only cover ears to answer these shells.

Father, mother, how I want to have time to play! Go to play badminton, watch TV. Whenever I see a group of children play together, how much I wanted to join them in! But, think of there are all kinds of cram school waiting for me to go to, I also not in the mood. How I want to once again return to childhood, to when once the carefree child.

Came home from school, I was no longer the bag aside and picked up the remote control, but in a hurry to pick several meal, picked up a pen. "Young not sorrow taste," perhaps xin qiji his old boy did not like our burden!!!!

Dear peers, if growth without worry, there is no work of colourful, if the growing lack of choice and judgment, so life is lack of the flavor, so please try to choose good, believe that after you grow up, will say to yourself, growth in the worry, this is the law of life.










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