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2023-05-20 04:07:01




3 years, had a child named Fang Zhongyong. Showed itself at the age of five write poetry painting talent, he believed were used to ask him for money. His father mercenary, from now on with his visit with county, and abandoned their studies. When he was 23 years old, he has not write poetry. Painting, in the back with no difference between the ordinary people. Fang Zhongyong story tells us: live and learn.

Song dynasty, su dongpo, a minor celebrity when I was young, so he put up an antithetical couplets in front of his house: general word all over the world to read all books in the world. His father saw, want to put the couplet off, but afraid of hurt my son's heart, right in front of the couplet: add two words each strenuously knowledge all over the world words to read books in the world. Su dongpo, you know the father's heart, cold window study hard from now on. In the end, he finally success! World famous physicist Albert Einstein in the people asked him, why are so famous don't give up learning, using compound with small round Zhou Changlai explained his view of the unknown, tell myself to try to explore the unknown. Whether in the song dynasty writer su dongpo or electrical Einstein both of them are the ancestors of tireless pursuit of new knowledge, aren't they learn the most powerful proof!

"Reading thousands of books, view." Knowledge in the exploding of the 21st century, we should be based on and social knowledge no study in the future. Knowledge is power. No matter for what purpose you to read, only know to learn, achieve your dream, with knowledge in reading for pleasure, and use knowledge to create life, your life will be set up never destruction of the sail.

"Ask canal that had so much, to have a source." I am going to put it as my motto, study motivation in my learning career in the long careers. Endeavour until the last moment of life.









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