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2023-05-20 04:19:10




Summer vacation, I and my brother lele go together outing, we walk while sing happy songs, very not happy.

We came to a beautiful village, where a large a large golden wheat fields, on the bottom of the river green lotus leaf, lotus leaf, lovely little fish swimming, can let a person remember "fish play between the lotus" verse. There are a few green willow tree by the river. Occasionally there are one or two swallows flying through the trees.

"Meow, meow!" I do not know when, a golden fur cat on my feet, but kept staring at the fish in the water.

Lele is probably be captivated by the fish, he didn't look at the cat, just a head on the grass by the river, his hand into the water, stir up the fish. I was watching with interest.

After a while, he is probably a bit hungry, got up from the backpack took out a small bag of mong tsai small steamed bread to eat, do not pay attention to, have a small steamed bun fell into the water. Now can be noisy, don't know where all of a sudden out so many fish, on the bubble in the water around the small steamed bun, you bite, I bite, a dramatic ate a small steamed bun.

Lele said: "the little fish, you hungry? Come, today I 'treat'!" Said, the small steamed bun into the water. And finished an own, also attend to not top and I were discussing, gave me a copy of the also please.

Looked at the fish eat so happy, lele jumping and dancing again: "oh, the fish and make friends with me!" That a false step, fell into the river, quickly climb out, has been like a drowned rat. He wrung the wet clothes and muttered: "I didn't think to make the friends took me down!" I couldn't help it sloped smiled, he laughed too. Aside kitten "meow" again, and don't know whether I also laughed at him.












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