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2023-05-20 06:33:03


导语:很多时候,一件事情、一份工作能否做好,往往取决于我们的态度,积极的态度就是成功的"保证。认真细致、尽心尽力的去做每一件事,这样我们才能收获惊喜、成长自己。今天小编为大家整理了:成长的一件事英语作文 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


My grades can also all the time, the teacher like me, students to trust me, I can not help some arrogant and breed I have pride. In such a thing happened in the sixth grade, touches a lot to me, made me recognize myself.

First, the teacher in the class to study newly elected leader. Group leader, the sacred duty, it is every student envy, I also don't also. I since first grade, it is the class cadre, study group leader, thought must also is this year, I flattered contemplating. But, when the teacher let the students to nominate for the five or six, also didn't hear my name, I not only some panic. Then suddenly heard put said: "I choose Zhang Li arrogance." I am very excited, thought: put not the kui is my good friend, to be loved. To his surprise, the teacher should choose the Huang Ping. At that time my tears in her eyes were supposed to, is you, is regret, I think both have. I seem to hear the students in the laugh at me, the home of people in the blame me.

"You have?" The teacher asked with a smile, suddenly someone said: "I have opinions." Then stood up. I see, is a gentleman. She doesn't even before the teacher speak eloquent never speak up: "Zhang Li arrogant, although some pride, that we can help her to correct, in addition she dares to criticize bad phenomenon, in the class has the ability to work, can be competent leader." Her voice just fell, was quiet in the class, the students were silent. But in the end I lost, also really know myself.








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