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2023-05-20 06:51:03


导语:奶奶满脸爬着重重的皱纹,因为带有笑容,眼角的纹路像两把打开的扇子。 今天小编为大家整理了:感恩我的奶奶英语作文 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


I still remember the night, at home I was the only one outside the windowsill watching a blur of light, watching the rain washed the road.

Footsteps all of a sudden, there is a home, is so kind, so calm, the footsteps become more and more close to me, I also become more and more clear. Then, the door was in our house keys turned a few times, grandma benignly face appeared in front of my eyes. Grandma panted heavily as he walked to the sofa beside, weakly sat on the sofa. I thought to myself, "grandma has been ill these days, I do my granddaughter should do filial piety. By the way, help grandma back rubs, perhaps so, grandma will be more comfortable." To start, I quickly ran to the sofa, pounding back to help grandma.

I began to pound a very light, grandma seems very unhappy, grandma said, "lamented the point." I thought: "my god! Grandma a seventy - year - old man, how do is not afraid of pain, even I can't bear, how can grandma?..." I did not dare to do what my grandma said, still like just gently lamented. Later, her face more and more ugly, my grandma helpless shouted 1: "lovely granddaughter, lamented the key". I couldn't help them, so we have to doubt ask: "grandma, it won't feel pain? You a 70 - year - old old man, can you stand?" "Silly granddaughter," grandma patted me on the head, with a smile, "how can, I will feel very comfortable." Listened to these words, my heart seemed to drop a big stone, much more relaxed, and then, I will vigorously help grandma back rubs.

After beat back, grandma looks much better, also to be in a better mood, like a different person, grandma said: "if your brother second brother have you the heart."

Actually, I don't know to help grandma back rubs, she could do that. Perhaps is I and my grandma is too close, perhaps originally I was looking forward to my grandma this appreciation... However, I know, grandma smiled and I smiled, together happy is the most beautiful, the most happy thing.

Thanks grandma, you should to do more for my grandma; Happy Thanksgiving grandma, let grandma. Now, I must try your best, do some housework, let grandma disease good up as soon as possible, laugh often.











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