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2023-05-20 07:16:09


导语:漫步在那山间小道上,不为南飞的大雁所吸引,不为飘香的丹桂所痴望,只为败落一地金黄的银杏所驻足。那些曾金黄灿烂、让人们流连观望的叶子,像蝴蝶般在空中翩翩起舞,像是为这个重要的仪式做最后的告别,继而又像孩子扑入母亲的怀抱般回到大地。今天小编为大家整理了:秋天的树叶英语日记 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


In autumn, I went to the park. Inadvertently saw the colorful leaves, with gold, red, green Their shapes are also varied. Both leaves and long in the leaves on the trees, they are so cute.

I walked to the front of the cycas, gazing at a leaf. Although spring, iron leaves is still so green. Iron, pointed, thick leaves, like a sword. I want to iron before the leaves should be soft and gentle and soft. Because of this, all grazing animals like to eat. Eat every cycas is black and blue, hence, cycas hard long, finally one day, cycas long thick and pointed none of the animals to eat. Should be like this.

A maple leaf fell on my shoulder, I have a look, here is a maple tree, fiery red maple leaves, teetering on the tree, mother-in-law wind blows gently, the maple leaves are singing and dancing like little doll falls to the ground. That is, under the help of maple leaf in the wind mother-in-law began sprinting. Why do the maple leaves so red? The maple leaf was green, because maple leaves contain chlorophyll in the body. In autumn, some objects called anthocyanosides and entered the maple leaf in the body,

So the maple leaves become red. The shape of the maple leaf as the palm of your hand, and five leaf fork. About the previous maple leaves five leaves no fork. Later because of envy people palms grew up to be like that.

A floral led me to the greening. I picked up a piece of sweet osmanthus leaves, the leaf of green, green all around there are many serrate. The sawtooth is to protect the smaller osmanthus. There are many veins osmanthus leaves. You don't look down upon these veins, they absorb nutrition of blade root to blade on the oh!

Autumn is very beautiful, more beautiful autumn leaves.

sit love maple's woods night, leaves be red flowers in February.


秋天到了,我去公园玩。无意中看到了五颜六色的叶子,有金色、红色、绿色 它们的形状也千奇百怪。不管是落叶还是长在树上的叶子,它们都是那么可爱。









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