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2023-05-20 07:21:01


导语:金秋十月,许多树叶都变黄了,在风中,那些顽皮的小叶娃娃飞了下来,把大地妆点得更加美丽!在这美好的季节中,我不禁放下手中的书本,走进这五彩的童话中去。今天小编为大家整理了:秋天的树叶英语日记 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


Autumn, the sky like a wipe clean the glass, gentle Snow White clouds, like cotton candy, bring sweet good mood. I look for to the botanical garden the nature of autumn leaves.

In the botanical garden, a lot of leaves are a golden cloak, flashing golden sheen. The most beautiful is the ginkgo leaves, far look, asing if is a golden ocean; Close look, like a small and exquisite of butterflies. A gust of wind blowing, the butterflies flew out of the trees, dance the waltz in the air, and sometimes rotation, sometimes both from side to side I also can't help to revel in the beautiful artistic conception.

I left again for a while, feel a little tired, then find a lawn lay down upward gaze tall trees, smell the scent of the grass, unconsciously fell asleep. Pa, yi? What is it fell on my face? I open a look, oh, the phoenix tree leaves. I picked up the leaves and watches: the leaves are brown, it is full of wrinkles on the face of weathered the years wind and frost. Probably because the tree is too lonely, so also follow brothers down together.

In my side, and a few naughty leaves from the arms of the mother tree, floated down. Has a red maple leaf, magnolia leaves green, golden yellow poplar leaves These trees titiyeah away from the trees, flew to the earth. They are free, but also closely snuggled up in the tree mother feet, for a long time unwilling to leave

Why nature beauty? Because of the four seasons, autumn. Why autumn beauty? Because of the leaves. I love autumn, love was decorated with the spirit of autumn The leaves of the tree.



进了植物园,许多树叶都披上金灿灿的外衣,闪烁着金子般的光泽。最美丽的要数银杏树叶了,远看,仿佛是一片金色的海洋;近看,又像是一只只小巧玲珑的蝴蝶。一阵秋风吹过,这些蝴蝶飞离了树梢,在空中跳着圆舞曲,时而旋转,时而双双左右摇摆 我也情不自禁地陶醉在了这幽美的`意境。

我又走了一会,感到有些累了,便找了一处草地躺了下来仰头注视着高大的树木,闻着小草的清香,竟不知不觉地睡着了。 啪 ,咦?是什么东西落到了我脸上?我睁开一看,哦,是片梧桐树叶。我拿起树叶,细细端详着:这片树叶是棕色的,那布满 皱纹 的 脸 上饱经岁月的风霜。大概是因为树上太寂寞,所以也跟着兄弟们一起落了下来吧。

在我身旁,还有几片顽皮的树叶脱离了树妈妈的怀抱,飘飘悠悠地落了下来。有火红的枫叶,碧绿的广玉兰叶,金黄的杨树叶 这些树叶飞离了树梢,飞向了大地。他们虽已自由,却还紧紧依偎在树妈妈脚边,久久不愿离去

大自然为什么美?因为有了四季,有了秋天。秋天为什么美?因为有了树叶。我爱秋天,更爱装点着秋天的精灵 树叶。




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