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2023-05-20 07:34:10


导语:青春是首不悔的诗。有一首诗最为动人,那就是青春;有一段人生最美丽,那就是青春;有一道风景最为亮丽,那就是青春。今天小编为大家整理了:青春的有英语作文 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


A dry leaf falling is the end of life, is also the beginning of life; Wild flowers fade is the passing of the soul, is also the soul of blossom... One end in the beginning, a blossom between a dead, is we have to grasp the youth.

We are young, to be able to protect themselves and those around them.

When broken wing angel wings, did not have the original freely in the sky, but can also by our own strength to protect our legs, to continue running in the vast land, protect human.

In day after day to repeat life, we use own small head fit many concept, significance, formula... But that is filled with pain and tears behind too much fun and laughter. However, there are so two people have been silently to protect us, they watched our joys and sorrows, lonely melancholy. One day, we should not only learn to protect themselves, must learn to protect them, protect their people around.

We are young, should learn to cherish more.

Every day, the sun rises; Every night, the stars fell. Heavy study pressure blocking our line of sight, when I was a child, even a pebble as a treasure of the little girl disappeared, replaced by a cold face, no longer naive, no longer childish, no longer silly ask dad is first the chicken or the egg. The only constant or the two side of the back, never ask for our cold ask warm, charged charge short long, the only thing we can do for them, is a little understanding, a little treasure.

We are young, happy to learn more.

When rain falls to the long drought the earth, that the rain will not absorbed one is left, this is not greed, is to make yourself happy full of vigor. When we meet with difficulties, we must face up to, even if we just fold the wings of an angel, also won't be bound, as can break through heavy haze, meet the brilliant sunshine, meet the baptism of happiness.

Now, we are young, although hurt, abandon, cried, but we the youth in the future will be like that face to the sun sunflowers, vigor and vitality, strive forward!














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