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2023-05-20 07:35:11


导语:我们都年青,爱夏夜轻舞的流萤,凝住的眸子一动不动;()我们都年青,喜欢秀发垂胸,任裙摆飞舞转盈;我们都年青,想借月的幽明,走一段沧桑的旅程。当我们不在年青,这个美丽的梦有谁倾。今天小编为大家整理了:青春的有英语作文 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


Spring scenery is just on the road, the sun in the sky is clear.

Youth, we have had some wonderful, beautiful and slightly naive and unrealistic illusion, like the river pebbles. We have been deeply intoxicated in the gorgeous color. Gradually, we grew up, pebbles at the feet of the turning from moving forward. And gradually, stands a magnificent Gao Jun snow-capped mountains, fascinating. Tolstoy ideals into a lifetime of life, a phase of the ideal, the ideal of one year, one month's ideal, even one day, at that time, the ideal of a minute. When I heard that, whether you also in the ideal is dream, stray. Ideal, contain the yearning for the future, we hope for the future, long-term vision for the future of remote in sight. There are a lot of people in the world up on ideal, but the ideal never abandon anyone. If you ever take failure as a wake-up call, you must not let success into a magic potion. When walking in the way of life, even if life have one thousand reasons to make me cry, I also want to by one thousand and one reasons to smile, whether bitter or sweet, whether to laugh or cry, whether happy or sad, I will be strong enough to cross the next corner. In this way, can give a good old read yesterday, give a good hope tomorrow. Since fall in love with everything, is like a dragon, in the waves beat; Like the eagle, fight the sky in the wind and rain.

Face ideal, tell yourself, I'm still young, with the original passion, with a dream, I'm on the road...








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