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2023-05-21 03:46:01




Are all well, o my father is a fatal flaw - love to smoke.

My mother and I advised many times, he refused, so there would be no longer tube he. Since I watched on television a propaganda film "smoking is harmful to health", I made up my mind to "save" father and our family.

So, I thought about the experiment method. One day, I would be ready to take a full face of smile and pulled out a cigarette and a cigarette lighter, gather together to father: "dad, I smoked a cigarette. Please" Say that finish, pass the things dad, just as I expected, he looked at me, flattered said happily: "girl, learn to care about the father." Say that finish, lit a cigarette, is ready to put into mouth. I cried out loudly: "wait a minute!" Then took out a small cricket seal at the cartons for dad, let him blow a puff smoke into the inside. He vomitted a deeply into it. Immediately, box of cigar smoke, cricket also like was stimulated about disorderly bump up and down, back and forth as if to escape from here. A little later, cricket to die, how many legs straight no longer move. I asked my father: "what did you see?" Dad said thoughtfully, "is my smoke to kill the cricket." I began to like the appearance of the teacher education students to dad said: "dad, the first thing you need to quit smoking, don't hurt your body, also won't hurt my mother and I body..." After saying no, dad is obedience to the eyesight of the said: "Sir, ensure that executive orders!" I am also satisfied smile.

Since then, the smoke it disappeared from my list. Gradually, I found that my father changed, became more and more healthy, more and more spirit!

Tell you, my next plan to help dad is drinking in my brain started plotting......










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