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2023-05-21 03:46:03




My father is a real good father, my father what all good, I think a lot of families are very envious of my father! Is one drawback - love to smoke.

One day, I saw on TV the smoking is harmful to the body of advertising, a suction for 20 years of lung were filled with ancient nitin everywhere! I have heard for a long time smoking can lead to various diseases. Awful. I want to help my father to give up smoking, I set a volunteer!

Watched TV, think of smoke too much, my father had always want dad to quit smoking. I said to my father: "smoking is harmful to the body, I want you to quit smoking." But he firmly don't agree. He said: "two cigarette after a meal, flattering living immortal." So I turn on the TV show him the dangers of smoking to human body, he this just scrape agreed to give up smoking. From now on, when I saw my father never see him smoking. I thought my father quit smoking. But one day dad and craving hits, smoking a cigarette while playing computer, also said to me: daughter, smoking it's okay, don't tube. What do you think I now is not good? I said: you contrive to malodorous, your teeth be fumigated and dark yellow, so people will say you in tobacco. Nicotine and other harmful substances to human lung damage, serious can cause lung cancer, many people were lung cancer took his life. After quitting smoking is not equal to fail again, after a drag or a cigarette is not "it's too late", but be careful analysis to the reason of smoking, avoid repeating in the future.

Alas! Father failed to quit smoking. A few days later, he said firmly: "I listen to you, from now on, ring - smoke!" So blessed and overjoyed, we finally paid off my spirit.

In the evening, home to the guest, always smoking, this is my father seemed to see the hope, in high spirits from the bag out of the smoke a pack of didn't hurt to uncles and investigation is me into the sitting room, I was just about to cigarette on the father side mercilessly stared at him. Dad smiled to smile, want to smoke for a long time to get back.

After this, dad finally quit smoking!











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