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2023-05-21 03:47:03


导语:金色的童年是快乐的,回忆金色童年是兴奋的。童年像一条船,装满了糖果,装满了玩具,装满了欢笑,也装满了快乐。童年像一个五彩斑斓的梦,使人留恋,使人向往。童年生活中发生的一件件趣事常常把我带入美好的回忆里。 那就记录下来,编写成英语作文吧。欢迎阅读,仅供参考的,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!


Personal childhood is colorful, colorful, I was no exception. In my childhood, there are many funny and interesting things.

Remember when I was small, I come back to school often see uncle aunt to work on the farm. Each autumn, grew and grew. I was thinking: if I put the sugar in farmland, can also receive a lot of delicious sugar? I want to go, finally personally. I run to the store to buy the 2 yuan of sugar. At home, dig a hole in the ground. Put all the sugar in, then covered soil, poured some water, after half a month, I saw the sugar, there is no movement at all. I have been in the fall. The middle and I poured the water several times, however, corn are all finished, my sugar or not. So I planed pit, sugar instead of germination, but also send the mould. I held sugar to find mom, and told his mother. Mother instead of sympathy for me, instead of making fun of me, "we kind of seeds, you kind of food, you say... how can you say to sprout? I heard later, dry the tears, but also a grin.

Another time, I'll be back to school, he saw a note on the desk, my mother said to me, she go out to buy food, let me a person darling to stay at home; Don't run around. I put down the note, but they think that a person at home dull, rather than watch TV. But not my favorite TV series. See there is a bottle on the table at this moment, I open the cap and smell very sweet, I thought it was a hand cream, and I thought: mother often make up, I also boast! Then I put the oil on the face. Just put the mother came back. Mom just in the door, see I put on oil. She asked what I was doing, I told my mom just beauty beauty, didn't do anything. Mother anger and nasty, pull me in hospital, originally I touch is she buy mosquito agent...

Look, the classmates, my childhood fun!









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