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2023-05-21 03:49:01




Childhood is pure, unforgettable years, is beautiful and colorful childhood years, childhood full of joy, we dream and pursuit.

My childhood I live in the countryside grandma's home, at that time, I should be a "wild child".

Eat eat every day to play, play, extremely happy. Every afternoon, the children in the village will not miss the best activity time, three group, five groups to go out to play together.

In the spring, the girls will go to pick wild flowers, woven garlands, bracelet, made from natural, release the aromatic "jewelry"; Boy will make a crown, hats, playing a game of "the king". Will be okay to the lake naught, than who played well, splashing layers of ripples. Before and after the qingming festival, the bamboo shoots come out, we will carry on hoe to dig bamboo shoots of bamboo forest, every time it must be a bumper harvest, in the evening let grandma do "feast" bamboo shoots.

Summer, we wear swimsuit pond to swim, relieve summer heat, or take a bamboo basket, fish in the pond or spiral lions in their clefts, at this moment fat beauty of snails, fry after a delicious, taste is delicious, no wonder people say that "the tattoo of snails, the robber to refuse to go"!

Autumn is the harvest season, is the season of joy, the crops are ripe. My grandmother home there was a big jujube, everyone climb to the top of jujube fruit picked at this moment, I most like to eat Chinese dates, after her brother climbed the jujube, beating branches, each yellow dates fell down, like a "rain", as the sky of rain when it rains, these dates are big and sweet, I will use below bag, then took a big bag in a few moments.

Winter, snow came across the mountain village snow mountains, roof, the branches are snow, then we can be happy, make a snowman, snowball fights, snowball... Although cold makes our faces and hands red with cold, but we still had a delight!

story, still so fresh.












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