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2023-05-21 05:27:04




Seen "Sophie's world," a friend will think so: it is a simple yet profound novel. It makes me once picked up, once made me down, and it made me very interested for a while, a short while again makes me lose patience, I will in this contradiction after reading the whole book by fits and starts.

14-year-old girl Sophie received a strange letter took her into a world she almost untouched, guide her mind went into the deeper, more thinking about the nature of human.

The book from the Angle of philosophy, to explain to people and nature, the formation and development of the world, telling people that we live on the earth is a what kind of world. Originally I think philosophy is boring, but the book Sophie's world is very different. It told readers of philosophy at the same time, the use of vivid language represents an intriguing story, make readers to produce a mood like reading detective stories. In this paper, Sophie she has strong curiosity, and desire for knowledge. This led her to took to the door to unravel the mystery and philosophy. And Sophie, she still has the perseverance, the spirit of perseverance. It is very worthy of our learning. Only those who have the perseverance, the spirit of perseverance, we have a chance to do what you want to do. A passage in the book makes me remember: like a magician produce rabbit in the world, human life in the deepest part of the white rabbit fur, all everything for granted, philosophers are full of curiosity of children, they climb white rabbit hair, the purpose is to see the magician's face, which is to see the world, to see the meaning of life. "Sophie's world," I think the world still has a lot of things waiting for us to explore, the secrets of nature make jie also forever, the former philosopher riddle of a lot of the world, for us to make future generations otherwise; We should also learn from them, not applying the viewpoints of philosophy to uncover the secrets of nature and human society, also the posterity do something for us?

"Sophie's world" is a simple way of human philosophy. It can not only arouse deep respect for life and praise, to the meaning of life care and curiosity, but also to the growth of each person, make life from chaos to wisdom, and by the confusion and into consciousness, put up YiZhanZhan bright light...









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