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2023-05-21 05:53:04




Affection, is the most precious, the family, it is sad when comfort, affection, is sick to take care of, when the family is difficult to help, I go with the family is the motivation.

Remember once, I got sick and wait all day just lazy. In the evening, is dizzy, gradually, I can't fall asleep. Dim a bunch of bright light shooting I wake up, open my eyes, I saw mom fell on the table, and then a look, mom to see a drug instructions. The mother stood up and stretched himself, I thought my mother is to rest, but she took the medicine, good impact, see I wake up, hurriedly say: "give, you to drink the medicine, temperature again." Mother drooping eyelids, slow walking, drifted off, a bowl of medicine, yaw pass me the medicine, she dragged back to the table, looked at his mother tired, I can't sleep for a long time.

The family is priceless, anything can't buy love, lost love, no family care, is the most sad thing, the family is life precious friendship, it can drive cold for you, let you feel warm, it can erase the pain in your heart, make you feel comfortable, it can give a helping hand in the most timely, help you through...

The family is a family like happy life, life without love is boring, remember an article did let me know the family is what feeling. The authors look forward to an early independent, fight with my mom out of helpless mother decided to let him understand affection precious, finally agreed to let the author independently for a month, the authors think that independence is free, but don't know the loneliness. As the author is coming to an end at independence, but accidentally caught a cold, all the freedom of independent disappeared. In return for their mother's care. Imagine, if when you are sick, no one to care about you, no one to take care of you, this is how lonely! The family is priceless, to cherish the family!

Cherish affection! To feelings of warm affection, to enjoy the family give joy, to understand the implications of affection!










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