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2023-05-21 05:53:05




Recently, I thought of a question: if the house was on fire, you will go to save a loved one? Or get a passbook.

After watching such a touching story, my answer is very clear: first to save their relatives.

That day, I'll go idle flipped through the reader's digest, all of a sudden, a topic attracted me, then I look down, I am deeply moved by the story. The story is about like this:

There was a father and his son became seriously ill and then suffer from uremia, need to spend a lot of medical bills. Although the medical expenses for him is a astronomical figures, but he didn't give up. And seek to earn money back. He wanted to do, can make more money? So he decided to make small business - selling ice cream, he took advantage of the weekend leisure to batch Popsicle. His spare time I have the chance to sell Popsicle, colleagues, he met the most afraid of touching, very anxious to drill into the ground, sometimes people's misunderstanding: have a pair of mother and son to buy a Popsicle, the mother pointed at his son said: "the child, if you don't study hard, admitted to the university, may have to like people sell Popsicle." The child also nodded his head. His face suddenly irritable, he thought, alas! When the rest of your life I am a teacher, here for a while but will come when the vendor, alas, but in order to son, don't say when vendors, even a beggar I also want to be!

Day after day, year after year, in this way, a dollar money, a dollar money, a dollar money saving; A root, root, a hawk, throat dumb in shout, as long as it is a hot weather, he pushed the car to sell Popsicle, always kubla khah dripping wet, whether it be how hot and stick to it, in this way, one day, the day has saved a lot of money, and his wages and savings, all gave son treatment, his son miraculously survived, disease is cured, but he went to the square of the whole body disease, reporter interviewed him. He only airily said: "this is a father should do."

Yeah! The family is can't use money and power to measure, he also don't have any words to describe, fancy he is true, not false.

Assuming no affection, the son of the father still alive?


So says the family is the most precious. Lost the other but there are the family! Family of our love will never change, we cannot lack most is affection; Is the most important is the family, everyone is great, have the family he can awaken a person's conscience, he can make a miracle.

After I read this story, I suddenly feel me is a silly question, how can money and the family par? Money is the necessities of life, but it doesn't have love. The family made invaluable...

My heartfelt sigh: the family is the most precious!!!!!
















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