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2023-05-21 05:54:15




The flower is so beautiful, because it got the sun grandfather's love; Young trees is so strong, because it got the rain sister's love. We live so happy, because the love...

In accordance with the hole on Tuesday that the heart told me a very touching story: there are two biologists are husband and wife, they had a lovely daughter, named for the sky. On one occasion, the two biologists to forest adventure. Walk in the middle, suddenly jumped out of a big tiger, startled, and the only step by step into the big tiger. The man loudly say a words to his wife, he ran away, the last tiger or catch up with him, and ate him, his wife took flight back home. Hole heart according to ask me: "the man said, what? You guess." I wanted to think, shook his head. She said, "take good care of my daughter!" I think: that man was so bad! Lose them, they had made the escape themselves! The tiger eat him, it was karma! "Zhou Jiani, do you know why he is going to run?" My eyes and shook his head. "Let me tell you! Biologists know these principles, the man know that the tiger would be to run around, he in order to make her escape, then draw away the tiger! That man is really a good man!" Suddenly, my blush with shame: ah! But I said that the guy is big, bad, I is really of! What a good person! He sacrificed his life to save his wife.

Ah! So precious affection! The family is a beautiful flower; Holly is take root; Is that...... The power of love is too big to can't imagine!








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