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2023-05-21 05:58:06




Was the angel of winter, Snow White, the symbol of its own unique set was decorated with the earth. Clean as jade, as light as smoke, as soft as catkin, from the swirl of float in the sky, the beautiful decorated world "snow mountains, particularly enchanting.

Early in the morning, I walk on the road. Face suddenly feel a cool, look up, countless stars the size of a grain of yukiko were lowered, some play on the roof, "sasha vujacic" winter symphony played; Some play in the branches, naughty turned downwards; Others fell on the ground, jumping happily. Gradually, these naughty ghost slipped away, into the clear water assiduously to drill into the soil.

At this time, no longer float down yukiko, but snow. Like a goose feather, swirl, floated, like a group of fairies dressed in a white veil, gently holding the white dress, to show their own fancy. At that time, the colorful world has become vanity build by laying bricks or stones jade kingdom of fairy tales.

I stretch my hands, caught a few light Snow White flowers, like the treasures for appreciate them: what a lovely little snowflake! Than little dew glittering and translucent, more close than filar silk rain, can do flawless jade crumbs, let a person fondle admiringly!

Playing snow in the air, flying, its purification and all of the dust, off the loneliness in the dead of winter, to it freely and happily, how many famous poems praising it: "like night of spring breeze comes suddenly, thousand critics, pear tree to open", what a handsome! "Snow bumper harvest", it is the harvest prophet!

Snow drifted off small, there are some fluffy snow flowers scattered in the air. I'm a little curious opened his mouth, meet the falling snow, hexagonal snowflakes gently landed on my tongue, that kind of cool and refreshing feeling always seeps to the bottom of my heart, drunk on my heart.

After a while, the snow stopped. The whole earth was like in a layer of silver yarn wrapped, and seems to be covered with a layer of mist. Pine tree by the side of the road full of crystal sawdust, shine. If you are wowing wwe stirred the branches of the bird, the "crystal sawdust" will be like the morning mist, artificial silently into the earth; If you naughty shook the branch, and the "crystal sawdust" will be issued a "frame" is ringing noise, let you enjoy them. However, who also loathe to give up to shake the branches, because all of us don't have the heart to destroy the immaculate "crystal" arts and crafts.

What a beautiful snow! I lost in this beautiful world, feel the snow is so lovely, so kind, I think it's really a snow!













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