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2023-05-21 07:27:01




A father a mother's love is the most pure love, is also the most selfless and great love. This kind of love is often ignored by people, however, think that parents' dedication for granted... But when I read the feeling father mother love and understanding of it has further.

"Feeling the father loves the maternal love" this book has a total of more than 50 articles. Events it statement dull, common, but everything is gripping, piercing, because there is an invisible force inspired me, that is the greatest love in the world. The watchman of the sun I was moved by the most. Standing under the heat of the sun in July, although hot and thirsty, but mother despite, and put all your thoughts in the examination of children, the in the mind is completely his. Mother's perseverance and focus to stand a statue, fainted in the heat of the sun. Mother heard see the call of the world in a coma, were able to hear the news of the child immediately after waking. All this is the result of dedication and selfless motherly love.

Indeed, no matter in any place, any time parents on a child's love is a kind, complaint or regret...

Reading this book, I understand the "fatherly love motherly love is eternal, is the same, is forever in the world. All surprise move, have the power of love, love is made, no love, no everything. A father a mother's love is the irresistible charm, it contains a profound emotions, let a person feel the greatness of love.








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