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2023-05-21 07:36:01




I am a lack of father love children. However, starting from the age of ten I really found the father is not obvious.

"Mother every toy to me!" My hair dia to mother begged. "Good, good!" But don't want to disappoint my mother agreed. "Don't buy him" dad angry came along, "all that individual talk, like when I was a child, also no big or little!" Dad angry away. Mother can't had to obey orders given it by dad.

This makes me very angry, I thought to myself, why I haven't grown out really, mom or dad! "Mom, today is my birthday, birthday gift ah?" Naive I ask mother, in fact, my heart would have guessed mom will buy me.

"I'm sorry, I forgot!" Sorry mom replied, still heads from time to time. I'm disappointed, think this year's birthday party is very boring, miracles will happen at night.

I was bored sitting on the sofa, suddenly I found that the old daddy didn't come back today, think he must be in drink, oneself in the outside, and my birthday all forget, god forbid!

"I wish you a happy birthday!" I wish you a happy birthday! "

"I wish you a happy birthday!" I wish you a happy birthday! Mom and dad are pushing cake came up, still singing the birthday song. I still don't understand what's going on. Mother walked to come over to my shows all this, I just take a tumble. Originally, dad this evening is in to buy me a cake, I don't misunderstood his dad to buy me a toy is to want to have to surprise to me, I misunderstood him, dad I'm sorry.

Daddy, I love you!













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