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2023-05-21 07:39:12




Hug mother, we will enjoy the warmth of family; Embrace the father, we can comprehend the true meaning of happiness. In my life, like the most is my father and mother, they are just an ordinary ordinary workers, but their faith is in an ordinary post, do a extraordinary deeds; They are just a pair of ordinary parents, cultural level is not high, but they use the sweat of hard to teach me...

Take my father, for instance, he to me, at all costs to my education.

I remember when I was in grade five, in every exercise books, I write the homework there will always be a few circle on the wrong topic.

At first, I thought it was a teacher to give me the picture, but then my homework on the wrong topic was almost all on the whole, I think: the teacher will change so much homework, there is time to tube my wrong topic? Look around at a few of the students, their homework notebook have never been there, just drew a cross on wrong topic, is really strange. Don't will be torre give me change?

So I decided to look into the matter, I soon finished writing my homework at night, go to sleep, I silently waiting for, but it hasn't movement, at ten o 'clock my upper eyelid and lower eyelid all started coming, at this moment, I heard the footsteps lightly, I suddenly a good spirit, saw dad quietly come to my desk and open my bag, it is out of my homework. At this time my mind blank, was moved to tears stream flowing downwards, I sat up and said, "dad, you were laborious!" Father turned around and concern said: "son, how still didn't sleep?" Embrace me dad, take the exercise books on the side of the hand, said: "dad, I know, you sleep, go to sleep, I'll write my homework seriously, put the wrong topic away from my homework, you don't have to stay up late for me!" Dad smiled and said: "all right, I am for you..." "No, I as long as you go to sleep, how hard you can't!" Range my dad said, and he would speak "good good, I go back to sleep, hurry up go to sleep!" I saw a dad back to the house to go to bed, didn't go to bed.

That night, in my mind, I always have a dad at one's own body to stay up late, for I worry about my study. Father's love for me, I will always remember. I will use my practical action, study hard, report with high honors from the parents.











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