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2023-05-21 07:59:04




Dear teacher, dear students:

Good morning!

The earth is so far the human know can carry only the planet of human life in the universe. Human life in the ball has a history of millions of years. In the long years, human rely on the earth's resources (air, water, sunlight) survival, reproduction and development, so, the earth is the mother of mankind.

The development of human in the long road, performance of the natural and economic development, has created a brilliant performance. But at the same time, because of the unreasonable development and utilization of natural resources, do not pay attention to environmental protection work, caused the global ecological destruction and environmental pollution. Now the world each year, 6 million hectares of land into desert, 20 million hectares of forest disappear in, there is a kind of species extinction in the average one hour. There is growing because of the destruction of the ozone layer, the greenhouse effect, use the earth temperature rising, the Antarctic ice cap began to melt, sea plane will continue to rise, many coastal cities in the world, islands and a large number of land, will be swallowed by the sea. This a series of environmental problems, not only affects the development of economy and the progress of the society, even threaten the survival of mankind, so take good care of the environment, has become a common concern to all mankind.

The classmates, protect the environment is very important. If in the process of economic development do not pay attention to environmental protection, was the revenge of nature. Not only damage our generation, but also the children stick around ten thousand generations!

The classmates, we are the master of the earth, every one of us will have the consciousness of environmental protection. Environmental protection is a major responsibility of us all. We have to start from now, start from the side, starts from the minor matter, take good care of trees and flowers, love birds and other animals, and so on. Through our efforts, to make the motherland day more blue, more green, the water cleaner.

Thank you all!












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