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2023-05-22 02:02:07




Winter girl with lightsome pace, quietly stepped into the earth, the earth covered with a thin layer of the veil.

Winter, sleep, all flowers fade, the leaves fall. Has the "plum blossom ling2 han2 open" stand proudly. "Snow woods this body, different plum mixed aromatic dust." It has no rose is gorgeous, but it can proudly in the wind and snow; It's not like jasmine fragrance, but it can open in the cold. Clouds, clusters of blossom, varied, beautiful! And the known as the "narcissus beauty" of the reputation of daffodils, fades, the bright flowers are open against the cold winter, it sends out a faint scent refreshing. Like the graceful girl, very attractive.

Not only stand proudly in the wind and snow of the winter plum blossom narcissus and blossom in the cold, and the white angel - snowflakes.

Winter morning is so quiet, as snow swirl underground. The pure white and flawless, various snowflakes like naughty elf around; And like a glittering and translucent butterflies dancing in the air; Again like a sophisticated chic. Really wonderful artical excelling nature, is unmatched! Overnight, the earth is turn white. Look, a place greatly small houses like enchanted, roof all white. The branches of the snowflakes are various. Look, some like a white cotton ball; Yes just like the flowers bloom, there is shaped like a butterfly. After it had stopped snowing, we like just released bird ran into the bosom of nature, enjoying the nature gives grace. The boys threw the snow knead into a ball, to the other party. Look, the man's head bursting a silver flower. A snowball fight little game that is fun and exciting. The girl is laughing at a snowman. A little later, a snowman heap, they jump and down around the snowman, extremely happy. Campus, from time to time coming from the classroom LangLangDe top. The life of recess, quiet playground immediately. The students have snowball fights; Some play games; Some play combat each other...

Some people like the flowers in full bloom in spring; Some people like the hot summer; Some people prefer the fruitful autumn; But I like the snow mountains in winter, however, is more like the plum blossom and daffodils stand proudly in the wind and snow, and the white snow!










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