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2023-05-22 02:03:01




Let a person touched of things has a lot of, and moving things, also divided into many types. For example, a mother's love care, neighbors, friends, take care... And I am moved by one thing, however, is not the same, is I saw on the bus I was moved by such a scene.

Remember it was a Sunday morning, I followed my mother go to the city to play, I sat on the seat by the window of a bus, because I was facing the window, so it is difficult to look outside, but I still to look at the outside, I stay, I opened the mouth, a sallow and emaciated, high cheekbones, two eyes deep sag down to a beggar, look about 30-40 years old man, his action is slow, was turned in a spam, his clothes worn, simply don't see the color of the clothes, wearing only a pair of has been sewn with patches of slippers, he is looking for something that can sell junk, on his broken sacks, all of a sudden, a banana skin and let him to take out and fell to the ground, should pick up the garbage pick it up, just ready to drag him up his bag and turned around again, that the humble banana peel picked up, and into the trash can. See here, my eyes moist, all seems to be numb.

I'm shocked! He was a beggar, a slow beggar, have the consciousness of protecting the environment, he could not go to ignore that the humble banana skin, I think, a lot of people can't do it, and he did.








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