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2023-05-22 02:04:02




In my side, happened many things, some happy, some sad, some surprise, some memorable... But let me the most moving thing is my grandmother taught me to swim.

Summer vacation, I want to learn to swim, mom and dad are going to work, can't, I have to ask my grandmother taught me. But my grandmother is 60 years old, and have high blood pressure and arthritis disease, can't be in the water to go swimming. Am I dead to tie up lousy dozen of grandmother finally promised to sneaking me to go swimming.

The really hot weather, we went to the swimming pool, a lot of a lot of people, grandma a little dizzy, I said to my grandmother, "grandma, your body uncomfortable, why don't we come another day!" "It's okay." My grandmother said. So we launched together, not for a moment, grandma's leg cramps, she bit the grind, ashore rubbed his toes into the water again. Grandmother dragged my chin, to teach me swimming, slowly, I have mastered basic swimming skills. Suddenly, I saw my grandmother on the edge of the onshore over your head, I know my grandmother hypertension disease made again. I call my grandmother back to rest, but grandma shook his head and said: "no, you a person in this I do not trust, according to the action of just practice yourself! I'll be okay to have a rest." I practise over and over again in accordance with the method of the grandmother taught, grandmother and had a rest and water to give me to do demonstration. In a few days, I finally learned to swim and grandmother were so, say doctors diagnose because tired of swimming.

It makes me very touched, I want to thank my grandma, grandma thank you for helping me.









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