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2023-05-22 02:06:07




Every time I think about it, I will think of that for the postman uncle come rain or shine.

It was last summer, one day. The sky is cloudy, overcast, like it's going to rain. Sure enough, after a while, just to rain cats and dogs. I can't go out to play, unhappy at home reading a book. Knocked a knock at the door, I think at this moment? I rushed to open the door, open the door a see, a whole body wet uncle holding a bicycle station at the door he kindly said to me: "little girl, this is your letter." At this moment I just know he is a postman. I took the letter, found that the letter was not wet. In such a big rain, will pour into a drowned rat, letter would not wet? Inadvertently, I found the bicycles on the letter bag under a raincoat. It turned out that he in order not to let the letter wet, his raincoat cover above himself afraid to get wet. My heart is not very admirable. I said to the postman uncle: "uncle, come in and have a cup of tea." I was sure he would promise, but he said: "little girl, I have to go to the post." Said, turning back a car, ride out, slowly disappear in the boundless in the rain. I looked at the back of the block will disappear, the heart was touched.

Although this matter in the past for a long time, but I still remember, when it rains, mailmen uncle heavy rain scenarios emerge in my mind right now.








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