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2023-05-22 02:06:08




Open the sluice gates of memory, let the memory of the river came out, many things coming together in my mind, some things have been blurred, but there is one thing that makes me remember.

Remember that two summers ago, things happen in the neighborhood where I live. That night I go out to buy things, halfway saw a little boy, sitting on the ground crying, I had no reason, and went away in the past, after buying things on the way back, god seemed to be against me, it happened that played under light rain, strange, before going out of the sky is clear, but now? I want to hide under the billboard, just then a little girl wearing a red dress to me, "sister, how do you stand here, because didn't bring an umbrella?" The little girl asked me. I hurriedly replied: "yes! Yes!" And the girl said enthusiastically, "elder sister, let me take you home." I don't know what to say, this little girl age younger than me, but it can take the initiative to help others, I suddenly felt a hot, nose a acid, tears involuntarily flow down, and thought to myself, just now I go shopping didn't help the children crying on the road, but they have perversely another child helped me. My in the mind is very sad, at this point, the little girl to see me in this way, the naive to ask me: "elder sister, how do you shed tears, is I let the rain with you?" I am busy replied: "no, the wind in my eyes, it's okay." Unconsciously I have already got home, I to say thank you, the little girl invited her to play in the home, the girl only said "goodbye" and went away, I always looked at her back, the rain became very big, she also wet behind many, somehow, my heart is not quiet down.

This matter is over for a long time, but I also think of it, often also willing to recall it, because there is moved, about love, no pains, no gains.








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