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2023-05-22 04:16:05




"Out of the window the rain flowing, the awaken of spring. The blanket is not even cold resistance. Unsure of is the guest in the dream, one day greedy huan. Don't watch alone, infinite. Don't easily when see is difficult. The water out of the spring go, one day greedy huan." More than one thousand years ago, li yu listen to the rain outside the window, write a historic quote. Is winter in I always memories, warm spring, readers of li yu spring, full of chill in this cold winter night, flapping garments on tiny crystal drops, the heart of love at the same time also couldn't help feeling cold.

Thinking of many years ago, has always umbrellas cycling back and forth in the paid vicissitudes of life on the path of the in the mind only the most simple idea: hurry up! Hurry up! Further, and always go back and forth his umbrella in the not smooth road. Vehicles back and forth splashing water is the most the things that make me nervous, not new but also clean clothes always spilled a HunHuang mud. Then, what is hate the rain. Hate, and mixed with a little afraid. Also, forward to young children. Whenever it rains, grandpa always hold a large black umbrella stand on time at the school gate, smiled at me step by step into a small shadow. Often go to him, always stretch out hand catches him hold up my pink floret umbrella. Happy jumped all the way back to the way to grandpa said the school. Vehicle to come over, will always splashing HunHuang mud. Grandpa always pulled me to a place of safety. Cannot be in hiding, hold up an umbrella to block in front of the body. Cars, mud splashing in the I stare big eye pupil, a and an umbrella like poured ink painting. A a mud, on a an umbrella opened flowers. I was very happy, because successful dodged a bullet. On a rainy day of car, as my enemy. As long as you don't beat it, I'm abnormal happy.

Memories of 91, on my way home, the sky full of snow magnificently. I don't know, stretched out like the cold hands, out of the red flower under the umbrella of the world. Deeply catch snowflakes, like elves caught one by one. Just ahead of the melt, then falls behind, I enjoy this not 1 pet. Grandpa found that love dearly let me take back flushed with cold hands, ask: "not cold?" Then feel good magic, how can cold? I didn't feel. Now think of it all, when strange, why I didn't know cold. Don't, because of age, in addition to don't understand a lot of other things, along with the sensibilities of the body also is very weak? However, over the years, the cold has long been forgotten, warm within my heart, is a memory - that in the winter, then the snow. This obscure picture, just like that, deeply imprinted in my heart, like a footprint. If need to give it a name, it is called memories of growing up!








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