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2023-05-22 04:19:02




"Hey, you know, Chinese teacher was gone!" I just came into the classroom heard a deep card morning rain in. The surrounding classmates comment in succession, guess the new Chinese teacher who will be. During morning independent study started, but we are unable to calm down and think of the new teacher has knowingly.

Very not easy to get to the Chinese classes, think of the new Chinese teacher is coming, my heart is really nervous and happy. Who will be? On students' mean? I'm on pins and needles to the feelings of curiosity with waiting. Ah, come! She - our new Chinese teacher, with a Chinese book, with lightsome pace, walking toward us with a smile. "Is she?" "So young!" "Where did she get?" "Her fierce not fierce to students?" "Should not fierce, she looks very kind!" ...... Students like blasted pot again immediately, almost in a whisper, published the opinion of the new teacher. Strange to say, I do not know is the new teacher had courage or classmates want to leave a good impression on her, when she came into the classroom, the voices stopped, everyone looking curiously at Chinese teacher. She was wearing a pair of glasses, through thick glasses, I saw a pair of talking eyes full of smile. She has a cool head his ear hair, dressed in plain. I even think to find my mother's shadow on her body, she give a person a kind of special kind feeling. She smiled again: "hello, my name is du, is your new Chinese teacher!" Her voice is not very sweet, but I listen to feel very comfortable. Class, we under the guidance of her, began the language learning. Mr. Du is a compelling lesson, even to language lesson is usually a headache feather also listen to with relish. Of course, let alone the others.

Contact a few days off, I think Mr. Du is a more severe teacher, strict with the students, classroom teaching, is quite a special can hold students, even the naughty king of class I fear she three points, listen to concentrate on her class, no longer make trouble.

A new Chinese teacher brought us a new surprise: we improved my language result, ranking also went up, a great progress in many aspects.

We like our new teacher, Mr. Du, because she taught us by heart, infect us with love.










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