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2023-05-22 04:23:01




A mother's love in mothers painstakingly established on the island of love for me, since I was young, I think I am a jealous of the lack of a mother's love, now I'm really stupid stupid! I have well read now, my this idea where it came from? Thank my mother have to enjoy that I ever let her painful that slap.

Last week I want to go to play, so I just lie to mother I go to wash your hair, I and mother said: so mom I went to the shampoo oh, I haven't been washed for two days, itch itchy. Mom: oh, that you go ho there to wash. Say that finish, mother will put five dollars into my pocket. I take money elated ran out, the in the mind think, ha ha, mother was I lied! Hee hee, mother very stupid!

I took my mother to give five dollars to a classmate's home, literally wash a head, to cope with mother, then I'll take five yuan to run to the supermarket to buy good things to eat and eat with my classmates, I look at the time, it's time to go home, my classmates and I say goodbye after I hurriedly ran home, I just saw the mother far away look in all directions at the door, my heart just like the dead, now must give mother scolded, walked to the door, my head low, dare not speak, I know you did wrong, so silent stood there, until his mother where are you going to the ah, broke the silence that lasted five minutes, the mother stared at her straight in a blaze of planetesimals eyes looked at me and said I was a mouth shut me to wash your hair come on, mother said: you also cheat me, I've just come back from ho there, he says you won't have to wash your hair, will you give me a hand in to where you go, I still mouth shut down, to wash your hair, my mouth before I finish, my cheek in the burning hot, mother reward me a slap, at that time my tears can't obedient child fall down, mother see me cry, shook down a hard "you gave me to reflect on" turn away.

Mother talk with me, my mother is kind of said that she is too impulsive, which day will hit me a slap, also and I said a lot of human reason, I will die back to cry, cry swollen eyes.

Love has ten million kinds, feeling only a thick! At that moment, I understand a mother's love!










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