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2023-05-22 05:41:04




Today, my father bought me a gift, I asked what he is, he let me guess, he said: "what is your favorite, scooter." I was very happy, usually see somebody else's skate slippery in the neighbourhood, I envy, finally able to get it today.

The scooter is and sallowness, handlebars can stretch contractible, car surface decorated with "ShenXin" English letters.

Scooter, I can't wait to carry on to the downstairs, feet on the surface, immediately rushed forward, thought ride very well, but pride goes before a fall, haven't ride to 10 meters, just hit the somebody else's car for a while, a moment hit a wall and fell down in the grass for a while, however, "failure is the mother of success". I stood up and can look at the new skateboard car, had a dusty, dirty, it can put I'm half dead, but I am not discouraged, continue to ride up. A little later, I learned to ride a bike.

I 10 km per hour speed "driving" in the neighbourhood, and all of a sudden, appeared in front of the two youths playing badminton, I thought: I make a curved, can avoid them, not do not have a thing? Then suddenly make a turn, avoid them, so they lend a thumb, praise me, and I thought it's all right, had just turned a, he saw a cat, I panicked, temporarily don't know what to do, at this moment, I remember dad said: meet obstacles, the brakes. I stepped on the brake, the car stopped at once, the cat let out a cry "meow", as if to say: "hey, big brother, your driving skills is great!"

Ah, then my life the most happy day. Also let me know: no matter what happens, all want to have a does not fear endures hardship, have patience and perseverance, can do anything.










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