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2023-05-22 06:34:01




Each and every one, from the time passed by your side, leave me a different impression. Some will help you, some will only see the side in a hurry with you.

On Sunday, I was wearing a mother to buy me a purple coat, the rabbit at all, are passing one makes me feel whole body through a stream of warm current. Slowly I went to a jewelry store, walked in, a wide variety of accessories let me dazzling, have cute plush toys, with beautiful mobile phone pendant, and a cartoon of the vacuum cup... . When I just want to go to hang his touch it, someone patted my shoulder, I am angry shout loudly: "what are you doing, today was a good mood, don't!!!!!" Bowed his head, he looked at me and, after a while, he put my clothes back to me, I was surprised watching him, and ask: "what this kid, you have my clothes?" "I saw you put the clothes on the other in a clothing store." A loud and clear voice echoed in the jewelry store. "Are you following me?" "No, just everyone went one way, you don't get me wrong." Heard these words I thought: well, it seems I was misunderstood the boy, he is really good when a malice, alas, I also is really of. He looked at me and don't talk then turned to leave, I hurried past, hold his hand grateful said: "thank you, just now I was wrong, I'm sorry!" He smiled said: "it doesn't matter, help others is the essence of life."

Love, in the us. Carefully from the dribs and drabs in life to discover. The boy's kindness is the essence of life, deeply printed in my head.








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