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2023-05-23 02:55:11


导语:要么读书,要么旅行,身体和灵魂,必须有一个在路上。 那就记录下来,编写成英语作文吧。欢迎阅读,仅供参考的,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!


Heavy schoolbag become easily rucksacks at this time, I can learn to li bai "send out boats." Can also like rests in white tennis shoes without socks. I set out, take in the crystal clear eyes.

A wind kept blowing my cheeks, dissension blow away my thoughts. Through layers of mountain fog, there was a glimmer of chaoyang into. Suddenly, there was a bird fly from the other side of the mountain, I surprise he cried, trying to climb up. Suddenly, I climb over the mountain, crossed the ancient trees, in the heart become really interested move - infinite golden sunshine moment onto my face, the cloud valley had some clear. Originally, the other side of the mountain have such beautiful sunshine, have so new scenery! "Turn in the past, the past, over past dashan!" I called out to the valley, the echo waves spread. A mountain, more quiet.

I figure appeared in the dirt fragrant woods, each a little flower in the smile to me, every bug in regards to me. Gently around the new long out of the grass, there is a small came into the eyes. What a cute and petite bird ah, but at this time because of the wound and shivering on the wing. I took it, carefully take care of it. From then on, my journey will be one more small partner...

Poetry is enough, also didn't take long before it's time to accept the text. Forgive me for such a beautiful journey with a not the end of the how to coordinate.

Don't have much magnificent language, nor is there much poetic imagination. I fly back to the campus, the birds, lift the meaning to me let me helpless and very textbook, this is my life.










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