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2023-05-23 04:30:01




Remember that is the one day of December, father is reading news online, I was writing my homework.

Suddenly, my father angry and said: "these kids doesn't raise their parents? Which unit in the future would want such a mediocre man!" Hear my father my mother and I have also run to come over to see actually. The Internet had a story: the university English four levels of tests held on December 23, suspected of leaking questions and cheating with wireless communication tools. Were held just normal seven minutes, known as "the temptation of wolves" is posted 4 class writing task, attached herewith. Beijing municipal education commission commissioner of higher education, also said, has been found that the examinee cheating with wireless communication tools. The room in the northern industrial university, the hearing test in broadcast and spread the voice of a man to read "the answer". The ministry of education officials say, will find out the matter as soon as possible...

Look, dad said to me with concern: "he he, if you can't learn them! The development of a harmonious society needs people is really only real material!" I asked my father: "the good faith for a person just how important?" Dad to longly say to me: "in the commercial business, your mother and I are doing drug agents, we can come to Qingdao two years one of the most important factor in success is the good faith, insist on not to expand the propaganda, false propaganda, be accepted by the many excellent doctors for many cardio-cerebrovascular diseases patients relieve the pain. More and more people begin to recognize our products. After listening to father say, my in the mind be suddenly enlightened, I suddenly think of my grandfather, my grandmother once told me of a fairy tale, a story is called" eat the lying children were Wolf ", the little boy in the story because of lying has been eaten by the Wolf, I think: learning, I also should make the child of honesty, otherwise can lose a lot of friends... can't find a job, at the same time also lost the meaning of life.

The students listened to me about this story, did you also see the real purpose of learning? Let us work together to learn cultural knowledge, to do a good student, the honest code of honor in the future for our generation greater contributions to the society! Come on!









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