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2023-05-23 04:49:13




In an encouraging innovation's report on the meeting, there was a scholar drew four different graphics, in which let people choose one with the rest of the three different kinds of graphics. So people according to their own awareness of the different and voice their opinions. So, a problem it is concluded that the different answers. It is enough to give us such a revelation: the world is the ever-changing, doubt is emerge in endlessly, the answer is rich and colorful. No innovation, the answer will be generally flat; There is no innovation, the world wouldn't be colorful; No innovation, society will not progress.

Innovation is a means of rich life. No innovation, I think, the world's first electric lamp is not born, we have in the kerosene lamp under the dim light, life for a lifetime; The first plane hasn't appeared, people should pass a few months or even decades of kung fu great hardships, travel long distances to get to the destination; No innovation, society would not be so modern, would not be so closely contact between people. Innovation is important for us! The great playwright Shakespeare once said: "beauty is life, beauty is innovation." This wisdom tells us that should use industrious hands, to create, to decorate our life. The old man is knowledge creation, today we create and where to abandon, abandon the innovation? Innovation is the important guarantee of life towards a better future, is the source of social development.

Innovation is the national rejuvenation, the country rich and strong power. In science and technology changes with each passing day today, every country in the world are scrambling to innovation. No innovation will be out of style, innovation will lag. The reality of our country requires that we want to survive, in order to make our country can stand among the peoples of the world, is to accelerate the pace of innovation to make innovation in the society each industry, each corner. The reform of education innovation, to innovation, scientific and technological innovation. We should be bold practice, have the courage to explore, overcome all kinds of difficulties and setbacks, the front road to innovation that direction.

Our lives need to innovate, our society needs to innovation, our country and nation need innovation. No innovation, no colorful material world. We want to in the innovation strives for the survival, and development. As the scholar will give different reasoned the problem answer, the answer is rich and colorful, if only one answer, then we will see if we are rigid from subjective aspect, is trapped in the box. Therefore, the innovation should also break old ideas, old ways of doing things, only in this way, we can move on the road a solid pace, toward the new century.









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